hormonal breakouts

The Body Shop Facial Massager Review

I recently picked up this dinky little tool from The Body Shop and was hoping it could improve some of the hormonal breakouts I suffer from around my chin area. It is a little rubber wheel with nodules on it with a wooden handle and it costs the bargain price of £6.00 (here). What is there to lose at that price?

The instructions tell you to use the tool morning and evening after applying your serums and moisturiser. It is supposed to help your face products to absorb fully and I was hoping it would help to break down and shift the red lumps I am often graced with. 

I must say my first impressions were good. It feels quite nice on your skin, it is easy to use and I was happy rolling it over my problems areas for a few minutes twice a day. Now I don't know if I have just been going through a 'good patch' with my skin, but since i've been using this I really have had quite well behaved skin. I had one red lump come up, but it only stayed for a day or so and then went away, whereas previously I have had them stay on my skin for months.

I don't have the largest forehead and couldn't really get the wheel to actually roll over this area, but on my chin, jawline and neck I was happily rolling away. If you do suffer from skin problems like I have mentioned, for £6 this is worth a try. I'm thinking of investing in another one to keep at my desk for those times of procrastination.  

Click here to read Caroline Hiron's review of this and to see a funny 'how to use' video she has uploaded. I must admit I have watched it several times to make sure I was getting the action right. And sadly, once again i'm afraid this is not available in Australia- annoying!